In this lecture, we briefly touched on the city as a map. We was focusing on maps and we looked at various examples of maps that were historical based. Here is an example of a panoramic map that was from 1616. It was made on eye-level instead of birds eye view but it's pretty wide and you can see a long view of London.
Later on, we looked at Power of Ten which is a film that shows different perspectives and scales by zooming in and out of the subject. Below is a small screenshot to show how it started off with the picnic and ended up with the earth.
So with the idea of maps and this power of ten, we were given a task to create our own narratives and present them using this scale form and map out our stories. Then as a group, we will assemble our narratives together and create a big presentable piece. Here is the video below of the 1977 Power of Ten film that we watched.